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作者:长久机械浏览:559 时间:2022-05-16 09:03:01

Lift manufacturers introduced products with increasingly high-speed machinery, diversified, of an important piece of Rolling mechanical rotation requires higher and higher, in order to further improve the application of the rolling bearing on the elevator level, people running in different load bearing due to rolling slippage between the body and the raceway and causes abrasions of more attention. Especially when lifting machinery assembly, should be based on the use of bearing preload to the size of the load bearing force can be selected to optimize the bearing clearance.

升降机厂家分析滚动轴承的游隙分径向游隙产和轴向游隙产两种,它们分别表示轴承内外圈,沿径向或轴向的最大相对位移量。轴承标准中将径向游隙分为基本游隙组和辅助游隙组,应优先选用基本游隙组,轴向游隙可由径向游隙按一 定的关系换算得到。对内外套圈可分离的轴承,其游隙须由安装确定。
Lift manufacturers analysis of rolling bearing clearance radial clearance capacity points and two axial clearance capacity, which represent the bearing inner ring, a radial or axial maximum amount of relative displacement. Standard radial clearance in the bearing clearance group is divided into basic and secondary clearance group, preference should be given basic clearance group, axial clearance radial clearance by a certain relationship Converted. Separable inner and outer rings of the bearings, the clearance shall be installed OK.

Lift manufacturers Speaking at no load, the bearing, the maximum distance between the outer race track can move is bearing clearance, in most cases, the rolling bearing during operation should allow adequate clearance, clearance is too large, while reducing the number of rolling elements bear the load, easy to make rolling ring elastically deformed, reduce bearing life and rotational accuracy, radial runout, causing vibration and noise; clearance is too small, the work when the resistance increases, the bearing is easy to wear and shortened life expectancy.

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