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作者:长久机械浏览:565 时间:2022-05-16 09:03:02

Aluminum Alloy lifts are used in the form of hydraulic power, the hydraulic cylinder is customized according to different machines, so the hydraulic cylinder size and length of use of different equipment is not the same. Factors that determine the size of the hydraulic cylinder is mainly carrying capacity, a suitable load with a suitable hydraulic power, but because they are mutual influence, but some aluminum alloy elevator cylinder number and length of root lifting height. The lifting height is, the more the number of the oil cylinder length will increase. 

Aluminum alloy elevator hydraulic system pressure not just set, mainly considering material and suppression index higher, making better the materials, more delicate, or poor materials very prone to danger of bursting. Different space can be based on the following formula: force = pressure * area, where the size of the area is because of the aluminum alloy elevator control space constraints, so the greater the pressure, the greater the force. And the force is calculated according to the weight of goods to be transported, aluminum alloy elevator before buying you anticipate about how much weight of goods, or directly to loadometer on direct weighing my, and then determine the selection of what kind of hydraulic cylinder. 


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