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作者:长久机械浏览:519 时间:2022-05-16 09:03:02

Hydraulic lift is a high altitude transport platform in the field of a kind, rely on power driven, has always been known for its safety and stability. Three small coup days Rui lifts manufacturers have more than 10 years of professional production and maintenance experience suggests that the elevator manufacturers improve product quality of the lifting platform.

1.我们建议大家配电箱里加上相序保护,电源线和液压油也采用质量好一些的。这样可以避免很多事故与麻烦。We recommend that you add a distribution box phase protection, power line and hydraulic oil with better quality. It can avoid many accidents and troubles.

2.配电箱加相序保护,相序维护器是控制继电器的一种,能自动相序识别的维护继电器,保证一些特殊机械设备因为电源相序接反后倒转而导致事故或机械损坏。Distribution box and phase sequence protection, phase sequence protector is a control relay, can automatically identify the maintenance phase sequence relay, ensure some special mechanical equipment for power supply connecting after anti reversing and lead to accidents or mechanical damage.

3.用质量较好的电源线,这个不用多说了,电源线质量差的话,一旦功率较大容易产生烧坏的现象。With the good quality of the power line, needless to say, the poor quality of the power line, once the power is larger prone to burn phenomenon.

4.液压系统的液压油必须要用质量好的,液压系统是整个升降机设备的心脏,而液压油相当于血液,这个比喻相比大家都知道用质量好的液压油的重要性了吧!The hydraulic oil hydraulic system must be in good quality, the hydraulic system is the elevator equipment and the hydraulic oil is equivalent to the heart, blood, this analogy compared to that we all know the importance of good quality of the hydraulic oil!

以上就是天锐升降机建议的提升液压升降机质量的三点,希望可以帮助到您,也欢迎您继续关注本站。Above is the day sharp lift manufacturers recommend the lifting of the quality of hydraulic lift three points, I hope to help you, you are also welcome to continue to pay attention to the station.

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