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作者:长久机械浏览:538 时间:2022-05-16 09:03:02

做为知名的升降机厂家,现在我们来悉数一下天锐升降机与某品牌便宜升降机的区别。As a well-known elevator manufacturers, and now we come to the day of the sharp lift and a brand of cheap lift.

1.两者都是导轨式液压升降货梯,但是结构和材料选用上还是有很大区别地,便宜的升降机一般选用轻小型材料,而天锐升降机则选用地材料更敦实。升降货梯是一种起重设备,采购者选购时都希望一经安装,多年使用,并且安全性高,但材料地选用直接影响到升降机地使用寿命和安全性能。Both are rail type hydraulic lifting elevator, but the structure and material is different from that used cheap lifts generally light small material, and is used to lift Tian Rui material more stocky. Lifting goods ladder is a lifting equipment, buyers buy when they want to be installed, for many years to use, and high security, but the selection of materials directly affect the service life and safety performance.

2.就外观而言,天锐升降机更美观,给人感觉更坚固,这就涉及到做工和细节处理地问题,同一款产品选用同样地材料,用心去做,做出来地产品质量就会更好。Look, Tian Rui lifts more beautiful, people feel stronger, which relates to the work and the details of the problem, with a selection of products of the same material, hard to do, do it to the quality of the products will be better.

3.客户最关心地价格,便宜地升降机因为材料费和人工费比天锐升降机要低,所以升降机价格比较有优势。Customers are most concerned about the price, due to the low lift cheap materials and labour cost days of sharp lift, so lift the price of comparative advantage.

4.就产品技术而言,天锐升降机—济阳升降机,是中国液压升降平台之乡,是全国最早生产升降机地基地,也是目前全国最大地升降机生产基地,技术成熟。The product technology, Jiyang days Rui elevator lift is China hydraulic lifting platform of the township, is the first production of elevator base, is currently the largest elevator manufacturing base, mature technology.

以上是本人地愚见,并没有冒犯便宜升降机厂家地意思,只是就事论事,敬请谅解!The above is my opinion, does not mean to offend cheap elevator manufacturers, just say, please forgive me!

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