Jinan cargo lifter noise causes and pump stations, motors, valves, etc. are fixed-related, check whether the noise generated because of their shock.
Jinan cargo lifter when the hydraulic oil is changed, sometimes relatively poor hydraulic lift hydraulic oil will lead to a noisy freight elevators, as well as pumping stations into the air, will produce the phenomenon of noise.
3、济南升降货梯的溢流阀也能产生高噪音。当出现液压油中混入空气、溢流阀卡住或磨损严重、溢流阀的弹簧疲劳变形导致溢流阀调压不稳定、溢流阀卸压时间过短等状 况时,容易导致溢流阀的先导阀性能部分稳定,在先导阀内引起空气振动而产生噪音。
Jinan cargo lifter relief valve can also produce high noise. When the hydraulic oil mixed with air relief valve stuck or badly worn, the relief valve spring fatigue deformation leads to instability relief valve regulator, relief relief situation when time is too short, easily lead to relief the pilot valve performance partially stabilized, and produce noise-induced vibrations in the air the pilot valve.
Jinan Huoti insufficient hydraulic oil, hydraulic pump will produce cavitation phenomenon, causing air into the hydraulic oil, will produce high noise.