您的位置: 首页>>新闻资讯 >> 升降货梯液压元件的质量如何判断?




作者:长久机械浏览:574 时间:2022-05-16 09:03:01

1、用感官直接判断升降货梯http://www.jntr168.com/液压元件的质量。眼睛观察各类仪表的指示状况、执行元件的速度与转速、执行元件运动连贯与协调情况、各类操作控制器件的安装与连接状况、各类工作指示灯与故障指示灯的情况、各类控制线路的连接情况、液压油的油面、气泡、颜色与浑浊程度等;用耳朵判断液压泵是否有功率输出、是否有气蚀、液压泵运动件与轴承是否损坏、泵或马达是否有干磨擦、系统内是否存在泄漏口、是否存在液压冲击与炮鸣现象等; 用手感觉液压元件表面温升情况,通过触摸液压元件外壁或液压管道,也可判断其中是否有油流过,以及流过的油是否具有较高的压力;嗅觉主要用于判断液压油是否变质、电磁线圈是否烧蚀。
With sensory directly determine the quality of cargo lifter hydraulic components. Circumstances indicate the status of various types of instruments eye observation, the speed and the speed of the actuator, the actuator motion coherence and coordination, installation and connection status of various types of operation control device, all kinds of work and fault indicator lights, all kinds of control connection line, surface, bubbles, color and turbidity degree of hydraulic oil and other oil; with ears to judge whether the pump power output, if there is cavitation, whether hydraulic moving parts and bearing damage, the pump or motor is dry friction are there leaks in the system mouth, whether there is a hydraulic shock and gun Ming phenomenon; hand feeling surface temperature rise of hydraulic components, hydraulic components by touching the wall or hydraulic pipes, which can also determine whether there is oil flows, and flows whether oil has a high pressure; olfactory hydraulic oil is mainly used to determine whether the deterioration of the electromagnetic coil is ablation.
Elevating the quality of freight elevator hydraulic components with a pressure gauge or meter test. To gauge the correct choice to select the correct range and precision measuring points can accurately reflect the state of the hydraulic components, according to the working mechanism of the hydraulic system, presumably related components after wear, pressure points related to what kind of changes will take place, which determine the lift freight elevator damage hydraulic components.
Cargo lifter components through test execution speed or speed determine system status, cargo lifter hydraulic components by testing to determine the surface temperature of the element status.

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