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作者:长久机械浏览:558 时间:2022-05-16 09:03:01

Under normal circumstances, cargo lifter normal operating temperature is 40-60 degrees, the temperature will exceed the adverse impact on the hydraulic system. Cargo lifter hydraulic system overheating can directly affect the reliability of systems and components, reducing the lifting platform operating efficiency.

Lift freight elevator from the most fundamental hydraulic oil temperature, oil viscosity thinning and reducing oil leakage increases, resulting in vaporization, while there will be more severe cavitation.

Cargo lifter hydraulic oil oxidation deterioration intensified reduce the life of even lose the ability to work. Petroleum oil to form a gelatinous substance will form deposits on the surface of the hydraulic components overheating,easy to plug the throttle holes, cracks, back into the oil filter, so that the lift does not work thus affecting the normal operation of the freight elevator.

Due to the high-pressure hoses and seals are most hydraulic systems or other non-metallic products, rubber products, high temperature will accelerate the aging and deterioration affect their life. Cargo lifter hydraulic system overheating caused by thermal expansion of the drop, and change different expansion coefficients of different materials deputy campaign leaving deputy campaign with the gap. Gap smaller movement appears to interfere or stuck phenomenon;gap becomes the General Assembly to make disclosure increases lead to reduced work performance degradation and precision, but also easy to destroy the lubricant film accelerated wear, and finally the power, reliability, efficiency of the entire hydraulic lifts, etc. will reduce.

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