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作者:长久机械浏览:549 时间:2022-05-16 09:03:02

1.做我们在在业界近10年的设计、制造电动液压升降机的经验。As a well-known elevator manufacturers, we are in the industry nearly 10 years of experience in the design and manufacture of electric hydraulic lift.

2.可靠性的高质量,原料严格把关,不合格产品不进厂,不合格产品不出场的原则。Reliability of high quality, strict control of raw materials, substandard products do not enter the factory, substandard products do not play the principle of.

3.升降机厂家专家保证,可以保证售前、售后快速反应,减少客户等待时间。Elevator manufacturers experts guarantee that can ensure the pre - and post - Sales quick response, reduce customer waiting time.

4.保持技术革新和产品不断升级,我们欢迎所有的意见并进行相应的处理。To maintain technical innovation and continuous upgrading of products, we welcome all comments and make the appropriate treatment.

5.力争能做到设计的新机器满足您的条件,并修改到您满意为止。Strive to be able to do the design of the new machine to meet your conditions, and modify to your satisfaction.

各种产品作业高度范围在4米至20米之间,选购合适的升降机或者载重量完全按照客户要求生产,应用功能包括高空清洗、维护等功能,已用场所包括不限于机场、车站、码头、体育场、酒店、高架的管道等。A variety of products working height in the range of 4 meters to 20 meters, choose appropriate load elevator manufacturers or complete production in accordance with customer requirements, application functions including air cleaning, maintenance and other functions, has been in place including but not limited to the airport, station, wharf, stadium, hotel, elevated pipeline etc..

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