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作者:长久机械浏览:524 时间:2022-05-16 09:03:02

1.重量轻。我们采用轻便、非常坚固的升降机部件,部件重量非常的轻,很容易安装、搬运和储存。脚手架重量仅相当于传统钢结构脚手架的1/3,不用担心压坏地面。Light weight. Lift manufacturers tell you that we use light, very strong lift parts, parts weight is very light, it is easy to install, transport and storage. Scaffolding weight is only equivalent to the traditional steel scaffolding 1/3, do not worry about damage to the floor.

2.结构稳固。部件连接强度非常高、很稳定、支撑机构设计很科学,整体结构安全稳固让人放心。Structural stability. Component connection strength is very high, very stable, very scientific support mechanism design, the overall structure of the safety and stability of people at ease.

3.搭建、拆卸简单快捷。我们整体结构采用“积木式”组合设计,部件标准化,无散件。不需任何安装工具,升降平台两名工人在短时间内就可搭建一个高度为20米的高空作业平台。Construction, demolition is simple and quick. We remind the elevator manufacturers, the overall structure of the "block" combination of design, standard parts, no bulk. Do not need any installation tools, lifting platform two workers in a short time can be set up a height of 20 meters aerial platform.

4.移动方便。配有非常高强度带闸脚轮,可任意移动和锁定,很方便于在多个不同作业地点连续使用。Mobile convenience. With very high strength belt brake casters, mobile and can be locked, very convenient to work at different place of continuous use.

5.适用性强。支腿高度自由调节,能基于台阶、楼梯及复杂地形使用;借助聚氨脂脚轮,可避免对大理石、木地板及草坪等地面的损坏;能在狭窄空间进出(如电梯、房门等)、搭建和作业;组合多样,外型美观。Strong applicability. Leg height adjustable, can step, based on the use of stairs and complex terrain; using polyurethane casters, it can avoid the damage of marble, wood floor and lawn on the ground; in a narrow space come in (such as the elevator door, etc.), construction and operation; the combination of various, beautiful appearance.

6.搭建组合很灵活。可根据用户特殊检修或着不同地形和环境的作业需求,可以特殊设计和制造。Building a combination is very flexible. According to the customer special maintenance or the different terrain and the environment of the job requirements, can be special design and manufacture.

7.耐锈蚀、免维护。我们所有部件均经过特殊防氧化处理,不生锈、耐化学物质腐蚀,接头为坚实的喷丸铸件,升降平台产品使用寿命高达30年以上,无须维护。Corrosion resistance, maintenance free. We remind the elevator manufacturers, all parts are specially anti oxidation, rust resistance, chemical corrosion, fittings as solid shot peening castings, the life of the lifting platform products use up to more than 30 years without maintenance.

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