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作者:长久机械浏览:560 时间:2022-05-16 09:03:02

升降机厂家认为,液压升降机进水很容易给升降平台的性能产生不良影响,影响液压系统的正常运转和工作,尤其是安装在室外的固定式升降机,对于我国南方地区的客户,每年一进入梅雨季,其影响最为显著,针对这一常见问题。The elevator manufacturer thinks, it is easy to performance of hydraulic lift water lifting platform for adverse effects, affecting the normal operation of the hydraulic system and work, especially a fixed lift installed outdoors, for South China customers each year into the rainy season, the most significant impact, in view of the common problems.

1.液压升降机在进水后会出现电机烧坏现象,升降机厂家提醒,这时应立即将电源开关关闭,并将地坑内积水清理干净。The hydraulic lift will appear in the water after the motor burned out phenomenon, elevator manufacturers reminder, then immediately switch off the power supply, and the pit in clean water.

2.尽量使升降机保持前高后低的状况,这样有利于使进入排气管中的水排出,从而避免给转换器以及消声器造成损坏。As far as possible to keep the lift before the high low, which is conducive to the exhaust pipe into the water, so as not to cause damage to the converter and muffler.

3.升降机厂家应检查升降机的各个系统的油液状况,发现油液泛起白沫、出现浑浊等现象应及时进行更换。The manufacturer shall lift oil in each elevator system check, it is found that the oil thrown foam, cloudy phenomenon should be replaced in a timely manner.

4.检测完毕之后,升降机厂家提醒您注意,应使用压缩空气机将头仓内部的电器连接部件全部吹干,以免水分积压在电气连接部位而造成侵蚀。After detection, elevator manufacturers should remind you to pay attention to, the use of compressed air machine head positions internal electrical connection components are dry, to avoid the backlog in the water caused by the erosion of electrical connection parts.

5.如果水已经进入到了升降机的电机内,那么就应该拆除电机,将电机拆开,以便水分能够很快的蒸发。在夏季这是一种非常快捷的除湿方式。If the water has entered the elevator motor, then the motor should be removed, the motor will be opened, so that water can quickly evaporate. This is a very quick way to cool in summer.

升降机厂家提醒,地盘部件在涉水的过程中很容易造成润滑油变质的现象出现,尤其是在转向、传动等系统中,应对地盘进行拆装检查。Elevator manufacturers remind, site parts are easily caused by deterioration of the lubricating oil in the process of water, especially in the steering, transmission system, deal with the dismantling site inspection.

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