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作者:长久机械浏览:581 时间:2022-05-16 09:03:01

    For hydraulic lifts for the long-term exposed, wind and rain, they will rust. Hydraulic lift paint can be said to be an effective prevention measure its rusty for the former manufacturer of paint should be noted that strut , shelves, chassis, etc. complete rust.

    In this regard, rust rust and utilization methods for mechanical descaling agent. Use herbicides, namely the use of chemical principles, this method is very fast, high efficiency rust, but relatively speaking, the use of herbicides on iron bracket rust, cost is higher. mechanical descaling is for steel, steel and other large steel structure is very commonly used method.

    Rust faster fast, effective and relatively low cost rust in rust, while also eliminating the surface of the burr, debris on the surface there are some landscaping. Available high controllability. Needs related work staff attentive patience to do a better job next rust in order to ensure the work can be completed in one.

    No matter what kind of paint can not withstand the time of baptism. Role is to protect the use of paint that the quality of its internal steel plates, lower is the degree of corrosion. Also prolong the life of a protection device. Hydraulic lifts painting about a three-times, depending on the materials, climatic conditions, such as customer location, the number of even more.




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