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作者:长久机械浏览:999 时间:2022-05-16 09:03:01


Lift manufacturers mentioned hydraulic system should first start, the position of the piston is moved by means of hydraulic pressure suitable for the demolition of a top position, prior to the demolition, cutting off power to stop the movement of the hydraulic system.
Lift manufacturers say that in order to analyze the forces of the hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic cylinder failure and find the cause of damage in the cylinder before the demolition of the main characteristics of components, installation position as cylinder, piston, piston guide sleeve, etc., should be cook mark, and recorded.
Manufacturers said that in order to lift the hydraulic cylinder is removed from the device, the first into and out of the mouth of the pipe to remove the oil, connectors and mounting bolt rod ends and other needs of the entire release. Demolition, should prevent damage threaded rod, threaded ports and the top surface of the piston rod. Demolition, inappropriate beat and sudden fall, will damage the thread, or create hit marks on the rod surface.
Because different manufacturers remind lift structure and size of the hydraulic cylinder, a slightly different order of disassembly. Usually first loosen the fastening bolt or a connecting rod cap, and then the end cap, the piston rod,the piston and cylinder disassembly sequence. In the demolition of the piston and piston rod should be noted that they are not hard knock from the cylinder in order to avoid damage to the cylinder surface.

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