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作者:长久机械浏览:524 时间:2022-05-16 09:03:01


Check whether the cargo lifter external hydraulic steering system for leaks, indicating there is an external leak, mainly for large hydraulic oil loss, the system pressure drop, steering cylinder and motor movement is not smooth,resulting in turn turned slow and weak, can not even steering. Tubing connector mismatch, poor sealing and pipeline rupture; seals fit properly, wear, aging or damage; high oil temperature, thereby increasing leakage. When they find an external leak, should be repaired promptly.
Quality hydraulic oil cargo lifter will directly affect the working status of the steering system. Hydraulic oil is too small, the pump will cause the machine due to lack of oil supply and slow steering action, it should add hydraulic oil to the required level; when a foreign body in the hydraulic oil tank is not clean or impurities into the hydraulic system after can cause damage to the seal or the element with the vice injury, the internal leakage increases, causing slow turn. To this end, on the oil hydraulic oil must be carefully checked.
Even a small amount of air into the cargo lifter hydraulic system, will have a greater impact on the system, the steering cylinder creeping, reducing the efficiency of the hydraulic system, causing slow turn. Way air into the hydraulic system are: steering pump suction pipe joints of relaxation or pipeline rupture; steering pump seal bad; the oil tank is too low, so that the suction pipe or return pipe exposed surface; poor quality hydraulic oil. If the steering pump leak serious, it can cause the steering Dalian mobile lifting platform slow. An important reason for leakage in the pump caused by steering is that the gap side of the pump rotor and vanes between the end surface of the side plate is too large.

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