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作者:长久机械浏览:727 时间:2022-05-16 09:03:01


Common faults cargo lifter hydraulic brake system of the motor failure, wrong to run over two terminal winch or speeding, lost the main motor excitation, DC main circuit overcurrent or overvoltage protection circuit as well as issues such as loss of power, in the event kind of accident, you must immediately disconnect the AC and DC circuits and parking brake. Parking fault accident, including brake wheel deformation between the two terminal speed, security door open, not adjusted after an emergency stop zero or zero motor failure, operation of the limit switch failure and tail rope failure, and the signal failure without warning like parking , but should be light, sound and other warning signals prompted workers, such failure include DC operating current grounding, DC main circuit grounding, DC main motor bearings overheating, brake pad wear and ventilation failure. Factors that lead to failure of the main cargo lifter include operator misuse or breach of technical rules, protection of existing installations is not perfect, the device structure of complex technical experience requirements for maintenance staff too, Chengdu lift a long, high-intensity work and equipment early harbinger of failure and so unnoticed.
When cargo lifter fails, should be timely to analyze the reasons for failure to timely maintenance personnel to troubleshoot and provide scientific basis. Therefore, we should do the initial state Huoti accident prediction and response measures, but also the key to whether the failure to effectively decide to exclude, you must carry out a full range of cargo lifter monitoring, fault location and causes all kinds of discriminate and adopt targeted measures to deal with.

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