Cargo lifter using the commutation valve stroke, valve core linking the pull rod for the introduction of travel valve for the use of the bench trip block push pull lever for automatic commutation. Cargo lifter bench slow motion, when the valve reaches the intermediate position, regardless of the cylinder about two cavities or through pressure oil, or both through the oil return, or are closed, then, there is no two-chamber hydraulic cylinders hydraulic pressure pushes,will make table movement stops, thus reversing valve can not reach the other end, it appeared the so-called "dead spots."
Cargo lifter electromagnetic valve commutation method to promote the trip switch issued by the trip block commutation signals, stroke valve solenoid valve instead of commutation. Action to promote the spool so that the electromagnet
commutation, can prevent the "dead spots" but it kind of switching hydraulic valves, and instantly open or closed, the instantaneous switching on or off the oil return passage in accordance with instructions, so that the hydraulic reversing system change will be a great shock to happen when.
Cargo lifter electro-hydraulic valve commutation method, the pilot did not change forward, electro-hydraulic valve solenoid valve replacement would constitute a new commutation method, electro-hydraulic valve by the pilot valve electromagnetic spool valve and the main valve hydraulic slide valve. Once the control circuit to switch the direction of the main valve spool cargo lifter on in accordance with the pre-set speed transfer work to another location, change the direction of the main oil line, the table will change to the campaign to prevent the change to "dead spots . "