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作者:长久机械浏览:517 时间:2022-05-16 09:03:02

升降机厂家认为,液压升降平台产品结构坚固,承载量大,升降平稳,安装维护简单方便,是经济实用的低楼层间替代电梯的理想货物输送设备。Lift manufacturers believe that the hydraulic lifting platform product structure, strong carrying capacity, stable lifting, installation and maintenance is simple and convenient, is an economical and practical alternative to the elevator between the lower floors of the elevator ideal cargo transport equipment.

如果是打雷的天气,是万万不能在室外工作的,升降机厂家提醒,请大家为了安全,注意防护!属于钢材制品,内有一些电器系统,因此,好防水措施是非常重要的,下面由小编和大家分享一下生活中如何做好防水措施?If the thunder weather is absolutely not in outdoor work, elevator manufacturers reminder, please pay attention to the protection for safety! Belong to steel products, there are some electrical systems, and therefore, good waterproof measures are very important, the following is a small series and share with you how to do a good job in life waterproof measures?

1.平时要注意把的升降平台的控制单元和泵站放到干燥的地方,如果平台长时间不用,不要停在低层,避免潮气腐蚀!如果发现地坑里进水,要及时处理,把水抽干!Usually pay attention to the control unit and the lifting platform of the pumping station in a dry place, if the platform is not a long time, do not stop at the lower layer, avoid moisture corrosion! If it is found that the water in the pit, to timely treatment, the water drained!

2.升降平台长时间在室外工作,在雨雪天气,尽量避免室外工作,如果非要进行室外工作,也要做好防雨,避免电机、控制单元和液压系统进水,如果一旦发现进水,一定要停止工作,切断电源。Lifting platform for long time working outdoors in the rain and snow weather, try to avoid outdoor work, if you have to work outdoors, to make rain, avoid water motor, the control unit and the hydraulic system, if water is found, we must stop working, cut off the power supply.

升降机厂家提醒,一定要把升降平台放置到雨水淋不到的地方,再把升降平台的雨水清理干净,再去试机,试机的时候要注意不要用手接触升降平台,以免露电中伤人!Elevator manufacturers remind, must take the lifting platform placed in the rain not to place the lifting platform for the rain to clean up, and then try to machine, when the test machine should pay attention not to contact the lifting platform with the hand, in order to avoid dew electric injury!

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